Grand Rapids, MI 49504 | map | directions
(269) 598-6546
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PNI•HCM provides comprehensive HR and payroll solutions employers need to streamline their people operations. We offer best-in-industry partnerships, unmatched customer support, and personalized services tailored to fit each client's exact needs - from recruitment to retirement. An All-in-One Payroll & HR Platform Built for Today's Workforce. About PNI•HCM Founded in 1998, we chose to be an early adopter and founding partner of the isolved® HCM platform, have grown with it since 2014, and were named partner of the year 2 years in a row. So, what makes PNI different from other HCM providers? For years, Human Capital Management (HCM) providers have focused on the payroll and HR admins, but we are taking it to the next level. We’re building our brand around our client’s employees and how we improve attraction, retention, loyalty, engagement, productivity, and overall happiness/wellness. Why focus on employee experience? That’s easy. Today’s worker is more complex than ever before. Human capital (your employees) is typically the largest expense of any organization; if not first, it’s the second. COVID-19 forever changed the landscape of hiring and retaining workers and measuring their engagement, productivity, and satisfaction. Yes, we cut checks. Yes, our technology is top-of-the-line. Yes, our service is unmatched. Now, we are focusing on solving your most pressing issues centered on employee experience. In addition to providing a seamless HCM suite to meet the needs of your employees, we now empower employees by promoting financial wellness through education and counseling, partnering with providers that offer early access to up to 50% of earned wages before payday, and working with a partner that aims to reduce the guilt and stigma endured by working parents when juggling child drop-off, pickup, tutoring, and overall caregiving necessities for aging parents and loved ones. We can help you build & maintain experiences employees actually want at work.

Member Since: 2023
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